This section discusses solving the GMAT reading comprehension questions, which are a part of verbal reasoning. The reading section and then answering questions on the basis of the same can be a bit tricky.
Disclaimer: These questions are sourced from the Official GMAT Guide for 2021. I in no way claim to be the owner. The goal is to merely list some key questions and discuss the answer/approach to the problem.
The right approach can be varied. But the way, I approach is to create small markers as we go through the passage. The next steps are to quickly read through the questions and use the markers to navigate the specific areas.
Reading Section
Different sections have different lengths but at least we know how many lines are present in the entire paragraph. There are broadly three sections in this case.
- Paragraph 1: The introduction section
- Marcus Garvey is introduced and he arrived at the precise movement when the African American Soldiers returned from WW1 resulting in the ideal constituency for Garvey’s message.
- His message was of unity, pride and improved conditions for African Americans.
- Paragraph 2: The details section.
- African Americans entered the workforce with enthusiasm to attain individual success.
- Unfortunately, they found themselves segregated even during and after the war.
- Anthony FC Wallace argues that when there is a significant difference between a culture’s reality and perception, this results in a revitalization movement.
- Paragraph 3: The conclusion and the counter-argument to it get drawn here. Making this the most important section of the paragraph.
- According to scholars, Marcus Garvey created the consciousness from which the revitalization movement was built.
- The counter-argument argues that the African American community already had an identity, strength and sense of history. Marcus Garvey did not ignite the consciousness but rather gave it political compression.

Answering Questions
- 532: Now that, we have had a quick read from the section.
- The African American Community had based on WW1 event already formed the consciousness.
- They thereby turned receptive to his message, thus the answer is C.
- 533: The community resonated with his message.
- The answer thereby is E.

Answering Questions ||
- 534: We start with the conclusive section.
- Marcus Garvey was the one who changed the attitude of the people as per the scholars.
- The overall conclusion for the entire passage though is different.
- The emphasis is on line 24.
- Thereby, the answer is B
- 535: The answer lies in the second paragraph.
- We know the African American Community wanted personal attainment.
- The answer is B.

The protagonist of the section is the African American Community. Markus Garvey and his role in re-vitalising the same is the key component to the entire paragraph and the story. Everything around reading comprehension revolves around the same.
Understanding this core concept and extracting the key aspects of WW1, attaining individual success, the difference between reality etc props up.